Two Years Old

To my daughter, Ellie, now that you’re two-

20150424_091508I can’t believe you’re TWO … my baby is a full-fledged toddler! You are still absolutely adorable and we are having a blast watching you grow up and learn more and more about the world around you.

It’s been a bit of a rough year but you have adjusted really well … moving to Texas, going to Mother’s Day Out twice a week, visiting a bunch of churches, figuring out that you’re affected by red food dye, and going on 6 trips in the span of 6 months! You’re a trooper kiddo!

Of course the biggest difference between 2 and 1 is that you are walking and talking. You started walking right before Daddy moved to Texas in August (great timing by the way) and you were like a total pro at it by the time we moved to Texas six weeks later. Now you’re running, going up and down stairs, and climbing into your booster seat and car seat all by yourself. I am truly impressed. And the talking …. ohhhh boy, the talking! We understand probably 80% of what you say these days. You have an amazingly huge vocabulary and you are excellent at repeating what we say to you. You are singing too! Just this past week you’ve really started singing a lot, with us and by yourself. I came up with a silly “diaper changing” song (it’s actually kind of a cover) so that you wouldn’t be so fussy when I change your diaper and you picked that up right away. It’s actually downright hilarious to hear you sing “c’mon … changin’ the diaper.” You also know “Twinkle, Twinkle” and “Jesus Loves Me” and the ABC song. Oh, and you learned “If You’re Happy and You Know It” from Gran when we were in Bay Saint Louis. I will never forget when you were singing it in your crib and stomping your feet. Classic!

20150504_163507You have no idea how excited your parents are to introduce you to the music they love. You and I got to dance together at a TobyMac concert in Nashville in April and I honestly thought my heart would beat right out of my chest I was so happy. I taught you to say “TobyMac” but when we went to talk to him, you got all shy and wouldn’t say it. But now you say it often when we’re in the car listening to the radio! I’m working on teaching you that not all songs are by TobyMac LOL. On Mother’s Day, you and I had a little dance party in the living room accompanied by the “funk” playlist on Pandora. Daddy even joined in for a few minutes! That was so much fun.

As you’ve gotten better at communicating, you’ve become quite opinionated. And independent. And a little bossy (like when you say “Mommy, sit!”). Of course you do come by those traits honestly. We’re working to teach you to share and be polite and be gentle. You seem to think that it’s almost always “Ellie turn” but you’re also learning that sometimes you don’t get what you ask for even if you say “please.” I gotta tell ya, parenting a toddler is exhilarating and exhausting! But not a day goes by that you don’t make me laugh.

I often just look at you and am in awe that you’re my daughter. I’m pretty sure your daddy feels the same way. We think you are beautiful, brilliant, hilarious, silly, sweet and so talented. We’re just so thankful that God made you and entrusted you to us.

Love you so much,

20150510_102403Ten of Ellie’s Favorite Things (in no particular order)

  1. Sausage
  2. Dora dolly
  3. Books
  4. iPad
  5. Blueberries
  6. Popsicles
  7. Bunny lovey
  8. VeggieTales
  9. Bubbles
  10. Mac ‘n’ Cheese

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