Turning Five Tomorrow

To my daughter, Ellie, on the eve of your 5th birthday,

It is certainly true what they say… the days are long but the years are short. Of course it’s just a perception. I am not of the “time slow down” camp; instead I am firmly in the “soak it in” camp. I have thoroughly enjoyed your four-year-old-ness, it has been my favorite age so far. Today, your last day as a 4-year-old, was such a perfect example of why…

You know not to wake me up before 7 (oh oh) but this morning I set my alarm for 6:45 and I think you heard it. You poked your head in at 6:50 and I said “It’s not 7 yet, I’ll be out in a few minutes, please close the door.” So you did. Which is huge. I so appreciate that you usually want to do the right thing these days and you don’t like getting in trouble. But I also treasure the mornings when you come in, at 7, and you crawl in bed with me for some morning cuddles. Or if I come out and surprise you, when you see me, you run to me saying “momma momma momma” and you hug me. You are such a loving little girl! You give wonderful hugs and sweet kisses to me and Daddy, and we soak it in.

Then taking you to WeeSchool … you chatter the entire drive there. I tip the rearview mirror down so I can see you. Sometimes you’re explaining something to me, sometimes you’re telling me (or others) how to drive, sometimes you’re singing along to the radio. I often enjoy the quiet when you’re not in the car with me, but I miss your presence and being able to glance at you in the mirror. I’ll still take you and pick you up next year, for kindergarten, but I won’t be able to walk you to class, put your snack in the box, put your lunchbox in your cubby. You’ll do all of that on your own. I’m not worried about you, you’re ready for sure, but I will be a little sad to say goodbye at the curb. Not that you aren’t preparing me already by all of the things you insist on doing yourself! You’ve even tried to pick out your own outfits a couple of times – ha – but I am holding on to that one as long as I possibly can ☺

I watched you in the playroom today, from my office … watched you make up little stories with your new Barbie dolls … heard you singing little made-up songs. There’s just such a sweet childlike innocence to your playing, so much imagination … I am soaking it in. Later, when I was making dinner, you insisted on helping. Sadly, it’s always my inclination to say no, that you can’t help. But you beg me and I can usually figure out something you can do. Tonight you helped me tear the kale off the stem, wash it, and dry it in the salad spinner. I want to always remember that … how you drag in your little chair from the playroom and stand on it, next to me, so you can help with whatever I am doing.

Then as I’m getting you ready for bed, after I’ve brushed your teeth and wiped the toothpaste off your face, I lift you to the counter to sit in front of me so I can floss your teeth. I run my fingers through your hair, kiss your head, and silently count the little freckles that are appearing on your cheeks. I soak it in while I floss your teeth and count to 18 in Spanish, knowing that someday this whole bedtime routine will not require my presence. Daddy comes in to read to you, and you say “Mommy! Put me in his lap!” I scoop you up, all 42 inches of you, and I hand you over to Daddy, then kiss you goodnight. If I don’t get to put you to bed, I sneak in when you’re asleep to kiss you … you roll over and I say “I love you Ellie” – you respond “I love you too” then you roll over, put your thumb in your mouth, snuggle bunny and go right back to sleep. You never remember this in the morning!

I could probably go on for many more paragraphs but suffice it to say that you are my very favorite, I am so thankful for you, my precious and adorable daughter. It has really been a fabulous year! Next up … preschool graduation, and then, Disney World! Your daddy and I sure love being your parents. You are a tremendous blessing and we are excited to see how you grow in the year to come.

Love you tiny!

Nine “Firsts” Ellie Experienced at Age 4

1. First visit to Chuck E Cheese’s
2. First time building with tiny Legos
3. First trip to “Camp Dumoulin”
4. First rides at the Texas State Fair
5. First (real) concert – Hits Deep Tour
6. First time letting your friend cut your hair (hopefully this is a one-time occurrence!)
7. First time taking your own photos
8. First time decorating a Christmas tree
9. First time pushing your own grocery cart

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