To my daughter, Ellie, my big-girl three-year-old,
Oh beautiful girl … it sure felt like you reached the big “3” before your actual birthday! You are so grown up. Very independent, very smart. I’m so very proud of you!
Lots of milestones this year! We potty trained you over a long weekend and you got the hang of it right away. You haven’t had an accident in months – you even wake up and go to the bathroom yourself in the middle of the night! In November, we moved you from your crib to a mattress on the floor … then in January you got your big girl bed. You know all of your colors, you can count to twenty and you’ve even drawn a couple of letters!
It seems like every day you show me that you can do something else by yourself. Taking your pants off, putting your shoes on, opening doors, picking up, feeding the dogs, walking, jumping, climbing, singing … phew! Sometimes I feel like I can barely keep up with you!
You still make me and Daddy laugh quite often. We had good intentions of recording the funny things you say, but we’ve definitely lost track! You can be quite the character, especially when you use expressive hand motions to make a point. You recently went through a phase where you often said “Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!” and “Oh my GOODness!” You also love to tell us what you like and don’t like … “I don’t like tacos” … “I love ice cream!” And you’re never hesitant to tell us what you want (just wish you’d remember to say please first).
I have to admit, you can be quite challenging at this age, but that is normal. You’re definitely pushing your boundaries, trying to see what you can get away with. You often don’t want to do what you’re told to do, and you really don’t want to stop doing what you’re told not to do. You’ve even learned the art of arguing, which is all kinds of new and interesting fun for Mommy and Daddy. But that’s okay, it’s our job to teach you and we’re thankful for the responsibility even when it’s hard.
Although you’re not a baby anymore, I still have the chance here and there to hold you and cuddle you – those moments just fill me with so much joy. And when I’m coming to pick you up and you run to me saying “Mommy! Mommy!” and hug my legs … that’s just about the best thing ever. I love you so very much, and I’m so very blessed to by your mama.
Hugs and kisses,
Eleven Things Ellie Loves
1. Mommy
2. Daddy
3. Bunny
4. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
5. Cheese
6. TobyMac Music
7. Stickers
8. Puzzles
9. Playgrounds
10. Books
11. Berries