
Dear Ellie,

The year you turned seven is the year of the Coronavirus pandemic … or as we like to call it around our house, the S.C.V. (stupid corona virus). It has definitely been a hard few months … doing school from home and not being able to go hardly anywhere. I know you’ve missed school—your teacher, time away from your parents, and especially being with your friends. You’ve been such a trooper though! You’ve rocked all of your school assignments, you’ve helped a lot around the house, and you’ve shown your parents a lot of forgiveness and grace when we’ve let the stress of the whole situation get the best of us. What I love the most is how creative you have been during this time. You brainstormed the idea of making paper snowflakes for your friends who live nearby. You watched a couple of videos on youtube describing how to create your own dollhouse and tiny doll accessories and you took off like a race car! You found the supplies and made a dollhouse for your LOL dolls with a triple bunk bed and you made a bunch of teeny tiny accessories. You also made murals to deliver to your friends, customizing each with their favorite things. You made me a great Mother’s Day card and you made your own birthday decor—paper Tomorrowland characters which we strung and hung on the mantle. You are so inspiring!

Before the whole SCV changed our lives in mid-March, you were having a really wonderful year. You were doing great in first grade. You loved your teacher Mrs. Davis and your classmates (especially Micah and Vivian). You spent a lot of your recess breaks playing with Finley which caused some drama with Jenae but you worked through it. I enjoyed meeting you at school for lunch, helping at the Valentine’s Day party, and going to the zoo with you and class as a chaperone.

You have learned a lot this year too! Your reading is extremely impressive as is your comprehension. Your dad has absolutely loved reading through The Hobbit and the Narnia series with you. He asks you each night “Where did we leave off?” and you always remember. You’ve learned a lot about how to tell time, keeping track of the days and the date, and money. Oh, and boy have you grown! It’s hard to lift you up now (even though I’ve gotten pretty strong doing Camp Gladiator) and you barely fit on my lap. You can reach so many things without even standing on your stool. Recently you’ve gotten the chance to learn how to train and care for a puppy, and you’re doing a great job! I think you’re starting to understand that learning is often “two steps forward, one step back” and you’re learning how to persevere and not get discouraged by that realization.

As I’m writing this, you’re actually in another state with your grandparents. It was a much-needed change of scenery for both of us. I’m enjoying the quiet and the ability to be a bit more selfish, but I do miss you. You are my sidekick, my mini-me, my helper and my buddy. I love you so, so much and I am so honored that I get to have a front-row ticket to your growth. I cannot wait to hug you when you get back!

I’m looking forward to making lots of memories with you this year kiddo. Regardless of the SCV, you’re going to have a great year!

Chicken butt and mushy green beans,


Selfies with Mom (L-R): In the car on NYE • On a ride at the Texas State Fair
Dallas Zoo Lights • Goofin’ on a playground before SCV • Newsboys concert • Swingin’
In the car • Post-fillings • First day of first grade • For King & Country concert
Goofin’ at the circle • Grocery shopping days before the lockdown

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